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Common Excel Problems
box and whisker chart in excel

How to make Box and Whisker Chart in Excel?

Box plots are usually called box and whisker charts. These are used not only to visually summarize a dataset but also to understand the distribution of the data better. On this page, we will discuss what a box and whisker chart is, how to interpret a chart, and how to create a box plot chart …Read More

COUNTIF function

How to Count the number of Yes in Excel using COUNTIF?

Excel is one of the useful platforms for handling survey data. Sometimes, a survey questionnaire includes only “Yes” or “No” responses from the participants. A common question generally asked is how to count the number or percentage of the response “Yes” from that dataset. One way to solve this problem is to use the COUNTIF …Read More

Closest match in excel

How to Find Closest Match using Excel Formula?

The formulas used to find the nearest values in Excel are tricky. It is a more complicated job than finding matching values. There are two ways to find the closest match from a data set in Excel: The INDEX-MATCH Formula The XLOOKUP Formula To better understand how these formulas work, let’s consider the following dataset …Read More

extract last name in excel

How to Extract Last Name in Excel?

Making name lists is a very common task done using Excel. It can be the list of employees, customers, friends, or family members. Sometimes, we may need to extract the last names only to include them in a report. In this section, we will discuss the ways of extracting last names from excel. There are …Read More

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