EMH Basics

Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)- basics Youtube Video | Description In this video, I am going to discuss four aspects of stock market efficiency: The random walks model, the Efficient market hypothesis, implications of the EMH, Stock Market Anomalies, and whether markets are Efficient. 1 of 1 finished! Congrats!! You can now move on to Chapter … Read more

Optimal Portfolio Five Stocks

Optimal portfolio using Excel- five stocks Youtube Video | Description In this video, using five stocks, I will show how to find the optimal portfolio, which will maximize the return and minimize the risk. We will use Microsoft Excel, Excel Solver, and matrix multiplication to compute the variance and covariance matrix. 2 of 2 finished! … Read more

Optimal Portfolio Two Stocks

Optimal portfolio using Excel- two stocks Youtube Video | Description In this video, using Microsoft Excel, I will show how to invest in an optimum portfolio, which will maximize the profit and minimize the risk. This concept is also known as efficient diversification in modern portfolio theory. 1 of 2 finished! Recommending more on Effective … Read more