CRSP/Compustat Quarterly Data – Industrial

Annual Data | Quarterly Data
The table below lists variables from the CRSP/Compustat data items Quarterly. Data Name or XPF Name refers to the variable acronym or mnemonic and Data Number refers to the FTP Name or Data Item Number.
Data NameData NumberXPF Label – Description
XSGAQ1Selling General and Administrative Expenses
SALEQ2Sales/Turnover (Net)
MIIQ3Minority Interest – Income Account
XRDQ4Research and Development Expense
DPQ5Depreciation and Amortization – Total
TXTQ6Income Taxes – Total
EPSFIQ7Earnings Per Share (Diluted) – Including Extraordinary Items
IBQ8Income Before Extraordinary Items
EPSFXQ9Earnings Per Share (Diluted) – Excluding Extraordinary items
IBADJQ10Income Before Extraordinary Items – Adjusted for Common Stock Equivalents
EPSPIQ11Earnings Per Share (Basic) – Including Extraordinary Items
PRCCQ14Price – Close – Quarter
CSHPRQ15Common Shares Used to Calculate Earnings Per Share – Basic
DVPSXM16Index Monthly Dividend
CSHTRQ18Common Shares Traded – Quarter
EPSPXQ19Earnings Per Share (Basic) – Excluding Extraordinary Items
DVRATE20Dividend Rate – Monthly
OIBDPQ21Operating Income Before Depreciation – Quarterly
XINTQ22Interest and Related Expense- Total
PIQ23Pretax Income
DVPQ24Dividends – Preferred/Preference
IBCOMQ25Income Before Extraordinary Items – Available for Common
XIDOQ26Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations
EPSX1227Earnings Per Share (Basic) – Excluding Extraordinary Items – 12 Months Moving
CSH12Q28Common Shares Used to Calculate Earnings Per Share – 12 Months Moving
TIIQ29Interest Income – Total (Financial Services)
COGSQ30Cost of Goods Sold
NOPIQ31Non-Operating Income (Expense) – Total
SPIQ32Special Items
DOQ33Discontinued Operations
FCAQ34Foreign Exchange Income (Loss)
TXDIQ35Income Taxes – Deferred
CHEQ36Cash and Short-Term Investments
RECTQ37Receivables – Total
INVTQ38Inventories – Total
ACOQ39Current Assets – Other – Total
ACTQ40Current Assets – Total
DPACTQ41Depreciation Depletion and Amortization (Accumulated)
PPENTQ42Property Plant and Equipment – Total (Net)
AOQ43Assets – Other
ATQ44Assets – Total
DLCQ45Debt in Current Liabilities
APQ46Account Payable/Creditors – Trade
TXPQ47Income Taxes Payable
LCOQ48Current Liabilities – Other – Total
LCTQ49Current Liabilities – Total
LOQ50Liabilities – Other
DLTTQ51Long-Term Debt – Total
TXDITCQ52Deferred Taxes and Investment Tax Credit
MIBQ53Minority Interest – Balance Sheet
LTQ54Liabilities – Total
PSTKQ55Preferred/Preference Stock (Capital) – Total
CSTKQ56Common/Ordinary Stock (Capital)
CAPSQ57Capital Surplus/Share Premium Reserve
REQ58Retained Earnings
CEQQ59Common/Ordinary Equity – Total
SEQQ60Shareholders Equity – Total
CSHOQ61Common Shares Outstanding
ICAPTQ62Invested Capital – Total – Quarterly
PRCHQ65Price – High – Quarter
PRCLQ68Price – Low – Quarter
NIQ69Net Income (Loss)
TIEQ70Interest Expense – Total (Financial Services)
PSTKRQ71Preferred/Preference Stock – Redeemable
DVPSPQ72Dividends per Share – Pay Date – Quarter
WCAPCY73Working Capital Change – Other – Increase/(Decrease)
CHECHY74Cash and Cash Equivalents – Increase (Decrease)
DLCCHY75Changes in Current Debt
IBCY76Income Before Extraordinary Items – Statement of Cash Flows
DPCY77Depreciation and Amortization – Statement of Cash Flows
XIDOCY78Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations (Statement of Cash Flows)
TXDCY79Deferred Taxes (Statement of Cash Flows)
ESUBCY80Equity in Net Loss/Earnings (C/F)
FOPOY81Funds from Operations – Other
FOPTY82Funds From Operations – Total
SPPEY83Sale of Property
SSTKY84Sale of Common and Preferred Stock
SIVY85Sale of Investments
DLTISY86Long-Term Debt – Issuance
FSRCOY87Sources of Funds – Other
FSRCTY88Sources of Funds – Total
DVY89Cash Dividends
CAPXY90Capital Expenditures
IVCHY91Increase in Investments
DLTRY92Long-Term Debt – Reduction
PRSTKCY93Purchase of Common and Preferred Stock
FUSEOY95Uses of Funds – Other
FUSETY96Uses of Funds – Total
NIITQ97Net Interest Income (Tax Equivalent)
TSTKQ98Treasury Stock – Total (All Capital)
NPATQ99Nonperforming Assets – Total
AJPQ100Adjustment Factor (Company) – Cumulative byPay-Date
WCAPCHY101Working Capital Changes – Total
SPPIVY102Sale of PPE and Investments – (Gain) Loss
RECCHY103Accounts Receivable – Decrease (Increase)
INVCHY104Inventory – Decrease (Increase)
APALCHY105Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities – Increase (Decrease)
TXACHY106Income Taxes – Accrued – Increase (Decrease)
AOLOCHY107Assets and Liabilities – Other (Net Change)
OANCFY108Operating Activities – Net Cash Flow
IVSTCHY109Short-Term Investments – Change
IVACOY110Investing Activities – Other
IVNCFY111Investing Activities – Net Cash Flow
FIAOY112Financing Activities – Other
FINCFY113Financing Activities – Net Cash Flow
EXREY114Exchange Rate Effect
INTPNY115Interest Paid – Net
TXPDY116Income Taxes Paid
ACCHGQ117Accounting Changes – Cumulative Effect
PPEGTQ118Property Plant and Equipment – Total (Gross) – Quarterly
XIQ119Extraordinary Items
CSTKEQ120Common Stock Equivalents – Dollar Savings
CURRTRQ121Currency Translation Rate
CSHFDQ124Com Shares for Diluted EPS
DILADQ125Dilution Adjustment
DILAVQ126Dilution Available – Excluding Extraordinary Items
PLLQ171Provision for Loan/Asset Losses
RLLQ172Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses
NIMQ173Net Interest Margin
CAPR1Q174Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio – Tier 1
CAPRTQ175Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio – Total – Quarterly
NCOQ176Net Charge-Offs
OPEPSQ177Earnings Per Share from Operations
OEPS12178Earnings Per Share from Operations – 12 Months Moving
EPSF12179Earnings Per Share (Diluted) – Excluding Extraordinary Items – 12 Months Moving
OEPF12180Earnings Per Share – Diluted – from Operations – 12MM
OEPSXQ181Earnings Per Share – Diluted – from Operations
IVLTQ233Total Long-term Investments
GDWLQ234Goodwill (net)
INTANOQ235Other Intangibles
ALTOQ236Other Long-term Assets
REUNAQ237Unadjusted Retained Earnings
ACOMINCQ238Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
DCOMQ239Deferred Compensation
SEQOQ240Other Stockholders Equity Adjustments
AQPQ241Acquisition/Merger Pretax
AQAQ242Acquisition/Merger After-Tax
AQEPSQ243Acquisition/Merger Basic EPS Effect
AQDQ244Acquisition/Merger Diluted EPS Effect
GLPQ245Gain/Loss Pretax
GLAQ246Gain/Loss After-Tax
GLEPSQ247Gain/Loss Basic EPS Effect
GLDQ248Gain/Loss Diluted EPS Effect
GDWLIPQ249Impairment of Goodwill Pretax
GDWLIAQ250Impairment of Goodwill After-tax
GDWLIEPSQ251Impairment of Goodwill Basic EPS Effect
GDWLIDQ252Impairment of Goodwill Diluted EPS Effect
SETPQ253Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Pretax
SETAQ254Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) After-tax
SETEPSQ255Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Basic EPS Effect
SETDQ256Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Diluted EPS Effect
RCPQ257Restructuring Cost Pretax
RCAQ258Restructuring Cost After-tax
RCEPSQ259Restructuring Cost Basic EPS Effect
RCDQ260Restructuring Cost Diluted EPS Effect
WDPQ261Writedowns Pretax
WDAQ262Writedowns After-tax
WDEPSQ263Writedowns Basic EPS Effect
WDDQ264Writedowns Diluted EPS Effect
SPIOPQ265Other Special Items Pretax
SPIOAQ266Other Special Items After-tax
SPIEPSQ267Other Special Items Basic EPS Effect
SPIDQ268Other Special Items Diluted EPS Effect
DPACREQ269Accumulated Depreciation of RE Property
RETQ270Total RE Property
SRETQ271Gain/Loss on Sale of Property
DPRETQ272Depr/Amort of Property
RDIPQ274In Process R+D
GDWLAMQ275Amortization of Goodwill
GDWLAMQ_FN1276Goodwill Amortization Footnote
CSHIQ277Common Shares Issued
STKCOQ278Stock Compensation Expense
TXBCOFY279Excess Tax Benefit of Stock Options – Cash Flow Financing
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Annual Data | Quarterly Data
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Annual Data- Industrial
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