Bond Portfolio Immunization

Bond portfolio immunization strategy Youtube Video | Description In this video, I will explain how bond portfolio immunization techniques are implemented by using a tuition liability example. 4 of 5 finished! Recommending more on Managing Bond Portfolio: Next Lesson>> << Previous Lesson | Skip to Next Chapter 08: Effective Diversification Course: Investment Theory Ch07: Managing … Read more

Bond Price Change

Change in bond price with the change in yield Youtube Video | Description In this video, I will show how a bond’s price changes with the change in yield to maturity. In other words, the calculation will measure the interest rate risk of a bond. 3 of 5 finished! Recommending more on Managing Bond Portfolio: … Read more

Duration Weighted Method

Duration using the weighted average method Youtube Video | Description In this video, I will explain Macaulay’s duration and its calculation using weighted average times for each coupon payment. 2 of 5 finished! Recommending more on Managing Bond Portfolio: Next Lesson>> << Previous Lesson | Skip to Next Chapter 08: Effective Diversification Course: Investment Theory … Read more