How to Create Dependent Drop-down Lists

dependent drop-down lists in excel

Create Dependent Drop-down Lists The dependent drop-down lists in Excel is designed to create conditional drop-down lists. Specifically, selecting an item from a drop-down list will change the available items in another drop-down list. Let’s create one by following the steps below. 1. In Sheet1 create four named ranges. (a) state [B4:B6], (b) texas [C4:C7], … Read more

How to Create Drop-down lists in Excel

drop-down list in excel

Create Drop-down lists in Excel Allow non-listed entries | Add/remove items | Dynamic Drop-down | Remove Drop-down Drop-down lists in Excel enable a user to select an item from a list without actually typing it. In other words, this could be used to restrict a user from entering information that is not wanted. Creating a … Read more

How to Prevent Duplicate Entries in Excel

prevent duplicate entries in excel

Prevent Duplicate Entries in Excel You can use the data validation tool to prevent a user from entering duplicate values in Excel. To prevent duplicate entries in an Excel spreadsheet, follow the steps below. 1. Select the cell range B3:B15. 2. From the Data tab, click “Data Validation”. 3. From the Settings tab of the … Read more