How to Merge Cells in Excel

merge cells in excel

Merge Cells in Excel If you like to put a label representing more than one cell, you need to merge multiple cells into one. By default, Excel will keep the information of the first cell and the rest of the cells’ information gets deleted. To merge cells, follow the steps below. In the table below, … Read more

How to Wrap Text in Excel

wrap text in excel

Wrap Text in Excel Using Line Break Wrap text in Excel is a useful command to display long text in a single cell. In this lesson, we will show two ways to wrap text – automatic wrapping and using a line break. Wrap Text Automatically 1. Select cell B4. 2. Click “Wrap Text” on the … Read more

How to create cell style in Excel

cell styles in excel

Create Cell Style in Excel By default, Excel offers several cell styles to choose from. But, you can also create your own cell style. In this lesson, we will learn how to use Excel’s built-in cell style and then create on our own. 1. Select cell B3. 2. Choose a cell style on the Home … Read more