Excel Window Parts

Excel window parts

Learn Excel Window Parts Title Bar | Quick Access Toolbar | Tabs | Ribbon | Name Box | Column Headings | Sheet Tabs Welcome to our free “Excel Basics” course. In the first lesson, we are going to explore the most frequently used window parts of Microsoft Excel. Knowing these parts by their names will … Read more

How to insert Checkbox in Excel

insert checkbox in excel

How to insert checkbox in Excel Link a Checkbox | Create a To-Do List The checkbox in Excel is very useful to create a checklist. In this lesson, we are going to discuss how to insert checkbox, link a checkbox, and create a checklist. Insert a Checkbox 1. On your excel Developer tab, click “Insert.” … Read more

How to use Excel Status Bar

excel status bar

Using Excel Status Bar Customize Status Bar The Excel status bar locates at the bottom of the Excel window and it displays quite useful information. Status bar displaying statistics The status bar can display the average, count, and sum when you select a range of cells. 1. Select the cell range C3:C8. 2. Take a … Read more