How to Make HbA1c Calculator in Excel

a1c calculator in Excel

HbA1c Calculator in Excel This hba1c calculator will calculate your approximate level of A1C if you enter your average blood glucose level. The Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c or simply A1c for short) test is a blood test used to measure the average blood glucose concentration in your body. For diabetics, this is the standard way of determining how … Read more

How to Make a BMI Calculator in Excel

BMI calculator in Excel

BMI Calculator in Excel You can enter your height and weight in a BMI calculator (Body Mass Index) to find your BMI index. This number is commonly used to judge whether your weight is healthy. To learn how to create a BMI calculator in Excel, follow the steps below. 1. Type in the following information … Read more

How to Create a Meal Chart in Excel

weakly meal planner in Excel

Create a Meal Chart in Excel In this lesson, we will create a weekly meal chart or planner in Excel from the scratch. To accomplish this goal, follow the steps below. 1. In Sheet2, we Named Range B3:B15 as Breakfast, C3:C15 as Lunch, and D3:D15 as Dinner. 2. In Sheet1, select cell C5. 3. From … Read more