How to spell check in Excel

excel spell check

Spell Check in Excel Change Spell-checking Options In this lesson, we will go over how to check the spelling of text, add words to the dictionary, and change spell-checking options. To spell check in Excel, follow the steps below. 1. Open a workbook that has cells with misspelled words. 2. Click “Spelling” on the Review … Read more

How to get sheet name in Excel

get excel sheet name

Get Sheet Name in Excel In Excel, there is no singular function that can supply you with the excel sheet name. However, we can combine three separate functions to get the sheet name. These functions are- CELL, FIND, and MID functions. Let’s do it step by step. 1. Write the CELL function in any cell. … Read more

How to view multiple Worksheets in Excel

view multiple worksheets

View Multiple Worksheets in Excel To view multiple worksheets at a time, follow the steps below. 1. Open a workbook. 2. Click “New Window” on the View tab. Excel opens another copy of the same workbook. 3. Now, click “Arrange All” on the View tab. 4. Select any orientation you like from the dialog box. … Read more