How to Split Worksheet in Excel

split worksheet

Split Excel Worksheet You split worksheet in Excel to view different parts by using the split menu. You are going to need this when the worksheet is long. Below are the steps. 1. Select a cell that you like to split. For instance, we select cell A5. 2. Click “Split” on the View tab. 3. … Read more

How to Zoom in or out in Excel

excel zoom

Excel Zoom You can Zoom in and out in Excel by using zoom in the status bar and using the View tab. 1. To zoom in/out of your worksheet, click the plus or minus sign on the status bar. The bar shows the percentage number so that you can magnify the worksheet to your likings. … Read more

What is Excel Worksheet?

excel worksheet

Excel Worksheet Insert | Rename | Move | Delete | Copy An Excel worksheet refers to the collection of cells where you enter, edit, and analyze the data. One or more worksheets can form a workbook. In this lesson, we are going to show common operations involving worksheets. Select a Worksheet Excel automatically selects a … Read more