Currency vs Accounting Format in Excel

Display Negative Numbers | Financial Statement Style

Both Currency and Accounting styles are formatting styles that Excel uses to display numbers in cells. To understand the difference between currency vs accounting format in Excel, let’s take a look at the examples below.

Currency vs Accounting Format

1. Select the range of cells C3:C8.

general format

2. Apply “Currency format” from the Home tab.

apply currency format

3. Now, apply “Currency format” from the Home tab.

apply accounting format

Note: The difference between them is that (1) Currency style puts a dollar sign at the front of each number without alignment, (2) Accounting style puts a dollar sign at the front of each number and aligns them. Additionally, negative numbers are in parathesis, and zero values or displayed as hyphens.

Displaying negative numbers

To display a negative number using currency style (e.g., display in red and negative sign in front).

1. Enter -45.89 in cell B3.

2. Select cell B3.

select negative number

3. Right-click and select “Format Cell.”

4. From the category, select “Currency” and highlight the last options from the “Negative numbers:”.

format cell

5. Click OK.

negative number in red with parentheses

Displaying Finacial Statement Style

In a financial statement, you often see numbers displayed with a single or double underline. Here is how to apply this style.

1. Select cell B3 as in the previous picture.

2. Right-click and select “Format Cell.”

3. From the Font tab, select “Single Accounting” style from the drop-down list.

single accounting

4. Click OK.


accounting underlines

Note: Now, try out the “Double Accounting” style and see what this number looks like.

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