Embed Excel into Word Document

To embed Excel worksheet in a word document and work with Excel while staying in Word, follow the steps below.

1. Select the range B3:E12.

select a range

2. Right-click the selected cells and click Copy. (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+c)

3. Open a Word document where you want to paste the Excel data.

4. Click Home tab -> Paste -> Paste Special.

paste special in Word

5. From the Paste Special dialog box, click the Paste, select “Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object”, and OK.

Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object

6. Double click the object and you will be able to insert functions or formulas as may do in Excel.

Embedded Worksheet in Word

Note: One caveat is that the table in Word will not auto-update upon changing the Excel file. However, to establish a dynamic connection between your Excel table and Word table, you select “Paste link” in step 5 above.

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