Excel Flash Fill

Combining information | Format numbers | When Flash Fill does not work

Flash Fill in Excel is used to automatically extract or combine data from a cell. Flash fill works perfectly when Excel can recognize a pattern. At the end of the post, we will also show when Flash fill does not provide expected results.

Extract numbers

1. Enter the value 200,000 in cell C3 to tell Excel what number to extract from cell B3.

extract number from a cell

2. On the Data tab, click “Flash Fill” (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+e).

flash fill on data tab

Result: Excel will automatically fill in the rest of the cells as shown below.

extracted numbers in excel

Combining information

Flash fill is going to combine information from two cells to create an email address.

1. Combine two cells’ information and create an email address manually in cell D3. Excel will then do the rest.

create email address using flash fill

2. On the Data tab, click “Flash Fill” (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+e).

flash fill on data tab

Result: Excel will automatically fill in the rest of the cells as shown below.

email addresses created by flash fill

Format numbers

Flash fill can also format numbers to create a telephone number.

1. Enter the value (876)-232-1543 in cell D3 to tell Excel what number to extract and format from cell C3.

format numbers in excel

2. On the Data tab, click “Flash Fill” (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+e).

flash fill on data tab

Result: Excel will automatically fill in the rest of the cells as shown below.

extract numbers from a cell using flash fill

When Flash Fill does not work

Flash fill will not work if Excel fails to identify a pattern. Take a look at the example below.

1. Enter the value 200 in cell C3 to tell Excel what to extract.

when flash fill does not work

2. Like last time, on the Data tab, click “Flash Fill” (Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+e). You will get the following result.

flash fill extracting incorrect values

Note: Flash fill did not correctly fill C5 to C8 with decimal points due to the continuation of the pattern.

3. To solve this issue, help Excel by correcting the C5 value to 153.53. After entering the value, just press the down arrow on your keyboard. Excel will now show the correct information as below.

fixing flash fill providing incorrect values

Finally, another limitation of Flash Fill is that, if you change any information in column B, Excel is not going to update information in column C.

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