Move Excel Columns

Inserting Cut Cells | Using Excel Menu

We can move Excel columns in at least three different ways: using Shift Key, inserting cut cells, and using the Excel menu.

Using Shift Key

1. Select a column. Hover the mouse pointer over the border of the selected cell. When a four-sided arrow appears, press and hold the Shift key then click and hold the left mouse button. Now move the column to a new location of your choice.

move a column

2. To see the result, release both the left mouse button and shift key on your keyboard.

moved column

Note: Holding down shift key allows moving column without overwriting existing data. Additionally, if you want to move multiple columns at a time, you can follow the same steps described above.

Inserting Cut Cells

1. Select a column as in the picture below.

select a column

2. Right-click, and then click Cut.

cut a column

3. Select a column where you want to insert the cut cell. Right-click and then click Insert Cut Cells

insert a cut column

The result is given below.

inserted column

Note: If you like to move multiple columns at a time, you can follow the same steps described above.

Using Excel Menue

1. If you have a lot of columns to be rearranged in a single command, use the first row to indicate the new order of the columns. Select the entire data range.

select a range

2. Select Sort & Filter group on the Data tab. Click Sort.

sort command in Data tab

3. In the Sort dialog box, click Options.

sort dialog box

4. Click Sort Left to Right and click OK.

excel sort options

5. Select Row 1 from the Sort by drop-down list and click OK.

drop-down list from the sort dialog box

Result: you will have the sorted results as below. You may want to delete the first row, which was used to order the columns.

sorted excel result
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