Learn Excel Window Parts

Title Bar | Quick Access Toolbar | Tabs | Ribbon | Name Box | Column Headings | Sheet Tabs

Welcome to our free “Excel Basics” course. In the first lesson, we are going to explore the most frequently used window parts of Microsoft Excel. Knowing these parts by their names will help you work in Excel quickly and professionally. Let’s start off with a screenshot of the Excel interface.

Excel interface

1. Title Bar:

Excel title bar

2. Quick Access Toolbar:

Excel quick access tool bar

3. Tabs:

Excel tab

4. Ribbon:

Excel ribbon

5. Name box and Formula Bar:

Excel name box and formula bar

6. Cell, Column Headings, and Row Headings:

Excel Cell, Column Headings, and Row Headings

7. Sheet Tab, Navigation buttons, and Scroll bars:

Excel Sheet Tab, Navigation buttons, and Scroll bars

There are a lot of other subparts in the Excel interface. We hope to learn their names as we progress.

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