Excel Freeze Panes

Unfreeze Panes | Freeze First Column | Freeze Rows | Freeze Columns | Freeze Cells | Add Button

When you work with a large table of data in Excel, the freeze panes allows you to freeze rows or columns for better visibility. In other words, you can keep one part of the table visible while scrolling up or down the other part.

Freeze Top Row

1. Click “Freeze Panes” on the View tab. Select Freeze Top Row.

freeze panes command on View tab

2. Now, if you scroll down the worksheet, you notice that Excel adds a horizontal line right below the top row, which is frozen.

freeze first row

Unfreeze Panes

1. To unfreeze, click “Freeze Panes” on the View tab.

2. Click “Unfreeze Panes.”

unfreeze panes

Freeze First Column

1. Click “Freeze Panes” on the View tab.

2. Click “Freeze First Column.”

freeze first column

3. Now, if you scroll to the right, you notice that Excel adds a vertical line right after the first column, which is frozen.

first column freeze

Freeze Rows

1. Select Row 5.

2. Click “Freeze Panes” on the View tab.

3. Click “Freeze Panes.”

freeze panes on View tab

4. Now, you notice that Excel adds a horizontal line right above row 5. All rows above row 5 are frozen.

rows above row4 freeze

Freeze Columns

1. Select column C.

2. Click “Freeze Panes” on the View tab.

3. Click “Freeze Panes.”

freeze panes on view tab

4. Now, you notice that Excel adds a vertical line right before column C. All columns before column C are frozen.

freeze second column

Freeze Cells

1. Select cell D5.

2. Click “Freeze Panes” on the View tab.

3. Click “Freeze Panes.”

freeze panes on view tab

4. Now, you notice that Excel adds a vertical line and a horizontal line to the top and left of cell D5. Areas above row 5 and left of column D are frozen.

freeze excel cell

Add Freeze Button

If you frequently need to freeze rows, columns, or cells, it is useful to add the Freeze button to the Quick Access Tool Bar. In this way, you can just open the Freeze Pane with a single mouse click.

1. Click on the little down arrow.

2. Click “More Commands.”

add freeze button

3. Select “Commands Not in the Ribbon” under the “Choose commands from.”

4. Now, scroll down and select the “Freeze Panes” command and click Add.

excel options showing freeze panes

5. Click OK.

freeze button added to quick access toolbar

Note: If you like to use this Quick Access Tool Bar icon, just click on the icon and Excel will automatically freeze the areas depending on the cell you selected.

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