Customize Excel Quick Access Toolbar

Command Not in Ribbon

By default, Excel shows 3 or 4 commands: Save, Undo, and Redo. If you think you are using a command frequently, you can add that command to the quick access toolbar to save your time.

Adding command from Ribbon

1. Right-click on a command that you like to add to the quick access toolbar. We are adding “Shapes” from the Insert tab.

add to quick access toolbar

2. The “Shape” command is now showing in the quick access toolbar.

command added to excel quick access toolbar

3. To remove any command from the quick access toolbar, right-click the command then click “Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.”

remove from quick access toolbar

Adding command Not in Ribbon

Sometimes, you may want to add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar that is not available in Excel Ribbon. You still can add that command by the steps below.

1. Click on the little down arrow.

2. Click “More Commands.”

customize quick access toolbar

3. Select “Commands Not in the Ribbon” under the “Choose commands from.”

4. Now, scroll down and select the calculator command and click Add.

5. Click OK.

add command to customize quick access toolbar

Result: Excel adds the command in the Quick Access Toolbar.

new command added to excel quick access toolbar

You can now add or delete any command to or from the Quick Access Toolbar.

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