Paste Options in Excel

Excel paste options are an easy way to copy a formula, values, or formating from one cell to another. Below we will explain each of the items with examples.

Values | Formulas | Formatting | Paste Special


This option in Excel copies everything from one cell to another.

1. Select cell E3, right-click, and click copy (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+c).

copy formula

2. Select cell E4, right-click, and click paste from the Paste Options (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+v).

click paste

Result: Everything (formula and cell formatting) from E3 is pasted in cell E4.

paste result


1. Select cell E3, right-click, and click copy (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+c).

2. Select cell E4, right-click, and click paste from the Paste Options (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+v).

paste options

Result: Only the value from E3 is pasted in cell E4.

paste values


1. Select cell E3, right-click, and click copy (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+c).

2. Select cell E4, right-click, and click paste from the Paste Options (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+v).

select formulas from paste options

Result: Only the formula from E3 is pasted in cell E4.

paste formula


1. Select cell E3, right-click and click copy (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+c).

2. Select cell E4, right-click, and click paste from the Paste Options (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+v).

paste options

Result: Only the formatting from E3 is pasted in cell E4.

paste formatting result

Paste Special

Other than the options discussed above, the paste special dialog box offers many more options for the user to choose from.

1. Select cell E3, right-click, and click copy (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+c).

2. Select cell E4, right-click, and click Paste Special.

click paste special

3. Form the Paste Special dialog box, you can choose many other options depending on your needs.

paste special dialog box in excel

Note: To know more, we recommend you play around with the different options to see what it looks like.

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